Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rewriting Fairytales: Cinderella
            Once upon a time there was a young girl whose mother had died and father had remarried. Soon after the marriage the young girl, named Cinderella for better reason except her parents were cruel and they thought it sounded “romantic”, was left alone in a large house in the suburbs with a stepmother and two twin stepbrothers she had known for all of five minutes. Her father was off on a fishing trip with “the boys”. So Cinderella or Cindy to her friends hid up in her room with her laptop watching Netflix and browsing on tumblr. Soon there was a knock on the door. And by soon I mean four hours later, you know how time flies when you’re watching Netflix.
            “Oh Cindy,” the stepmother called. “Won’t you come out and spend time with your family?”
            “Uh sure,” Cindy replied still annoyed at her stepmother’s new found habit of using the nickname usually reserved for people under the age of eighteen.” I don’t know if you really qualify as family,” she muttered.
            “I heard that!”
            The stepmother stormed through the door barely bothering to open it and snapped the pink laptop from her hands.
            “If you’re going to talk to your mother like that then you’re not going have this.” She held up the laptop and stormed out her footsteps booming on the linoleum floors.  
            “So, no more family time?” Cindy called after hers.
            She flopped down on her bed, still covered in the horrible floral pink bedspread chosen by the stepmother when she heard she was getting a “daughter”.

            “And you’re not my mother.” She muttered defiantly as she drifted off to sleep.

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